Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Sheriff's Office

About the Dane County Sheriff's Office

With a proud history of over 150 years of law enforcement service, the Dane County Sheriff’s Office has over 425 sworn personnel, and over 100 non-sworn support staff in four major divisions:

The tasks and functions within the organization are many and varied, including patrol, investigationsjail, conveyances & extradition, warrant & civil process service, court bailiff & security, airport security, task force, and marine & trail enforcement. Personnel also have opportunities to serve on specialty teams, such as:

  • HDU-Hazardous Devices Unit (formerly: EOD/bomb squad)
  • Tactical Response Team (special weapons and tactics)
  • Special Events Team (crowd control)
  • K-9 Unit
  • Dive Recovery Team
  • Crisis Negotiation Team
  • Honor Guard
  • Traffic Reconstruction Team


We strive to create a peaceful community to live, work and visit by serving Dane County as a respected and trusted Sheriff’s Office. 


We are dedicated to building relationships and solving problems through evidence-based decision-making and procedural justice. 


Character- We are committed and accountable to maintaining the highest level of character in our respectful motives, and actions.  Our character directs our integrity and safeguards justice.  We are leaders, always demonstrating character, especially in times of great challenge.  
Competence- We use our knowledge, skills, and abilities to serve our community.  Competence is our ability to do our designated jobs tasks with professional excellence.  
Compassion- We understand our role as community caretakers and temper our application of the law with compassion and empathy.  We are compassionate in our words, demeanor, and actions.
Courage- We demonstrate moral and physical courage in the performance of our duties.  We recognize the dangers and sacrifices inherent of our profession.  We are willing to place the safety of others above that of our own.  We confront internal and external challenges with responses that are both honorably and ethically sound.  
Communication- We improve our communities through collaboration, education, accessibility, and transparency.  We build trust through active community engagement. 

Dane County Sheriff's Office Divisions

Support Services Division

The Support Services Division is one of the most diversified divisions within the Dane County Sheriff’s Office. Staff in this area are responsible for each of the following areas:

  • Court Security: Providing for the safety and security of the Courthouse
  • Child Support Enforcement: Locating and apprehending people with outstanding child support warrants
  • Civil Process: Processing a wide range of legal papers, including injunction orders, restraining orders, subpoenas, eviction notices, and notices of foreclosure
  • Court Services: Preparing criminal and traffic cases to be referred to the Dane County District Attorney’s Office
  • Conveyances: Coordinating transportation for jail residents throughout the state
  • Foreclosures: Conducting foreclosure sales for real estate property within Dane County
  • Records: Processing requests for public records
  • Reception: Providing customer service to visitors to the Sheriff’s Office
  • Extraditions: Coordinating the return of jail residents to Dane County from other states
  • Vehicles and Equipment: Maintaining the Sheriff’s Office fleet of vehicles
  • Warrants: Processing new warrants from the court
  • Crime Scene Unit: Processing crime scenes, including documenting the scene and collecting and preserving evidence
  • Evidence room: Managing the day-to-day operations of the evidence room
  • Video: Forensic video processing and analysis, audio comparison and analysis
  • Task-force: Supplement staffing in sworn positions within the Sheriff’s Office by filling vacancies in the daily schedule that arise due to vacations, family leave, sick leave, or training days
  • Technology: Serving the technology needs of the Sheriff’s Office

Security Services Division

The Security Services Division of the Dane County Sheriff's Office is responsible for the management and services of three jail facilities in the Madison, Wisconsin area.

  • City-County Building Jail: Located at 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in Madison, this facility houses maximum-security residents who are awaiting trial or who do not have work release privileges on their sentences.
  • Public Safety Building Jail: Located at 115 W. Doty St. in Madison, the Public Safety Building houses medium-security residents and residents sentenced to jail with work release. It also contains our Booking Facility for processing new residents into the jail. This building is the centralized location for releases from the jail facilities. All property, financial, and administrative offices are located in this facility.
  • William H. Ferris Center: Located at 2120 Rimrock Rd. in Madison, near the Coliseum and Exposition Center, this facility houses minimum-security residents who are sentenced with work release privileges. It also houses the administrative office for electronic release programs.


Learn more about our programs and services by visiting the Jail section of the Sheriff Office website.

Field Services Division

The Field Services Division handles most of the traditional law enforcement functions for the Sheriff's Office including patrol, investigations, and special teams. Our Marine and Trail Enforcement Unit (MATE) also provides patrol of our lakes, rivers, and trails throughout Dane County. In addition, the Sheriff’s Office provides contract policing services to several villages and townships, as well as our Freeway Service Team (a contract with WisDOT) and the Dane County Regional Airport. Detectives within Field Services investigate cases requiring more extensive follow-up, including but not limited to sexual assaults, domestic abuse, cyber crimes, burglaries and homicides. 

Our Traffic Team focuses on enforcing traffic laws and targeting areas in which we have high incidents of traffic crashes. Our experienced Crash Reconstruction Unit is made up of highly skilled crash reconstruction specialists and detectives trained to investigate traffic crimes.   

Transcriptions of reports by deputies and data entry are handled by the civilian staff assigned to Field Services. 

Dane County Sheriff's Office patrol jurisdiction is divided into three precincts (West, Southeast, and Northeast). The precincts are then divided into beats. Each precinct consists of supervisors, patrol deputies, community deputies, and detectives. Patrol Deputies and Community Deputies each have assigned beats. Community deputies work closely with Patrol Deputies, Service Providers, and Community Partners to reduce reoccurring calls for law enforcement services, by connecting citizens with needed resources.  

Many deputies in Field Services are also members of the Sheriff’s Office Special Teams. Learn more about Special Teams here.

Executive Services Division

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office Executive Services Division is responsible for employee related services including recruitment, background investigations, hiring, training, scheduling, payroll, benefits, promotions, resignations, and retirements.

Additionally, the Executive Services Division handles payments of services and expenses and the procurement of department supplies and equipment. Executive Services also coordinates budget submissions from each Sheriff’s Office division and submitting the budget to the County Executive and the County Board.